Having someone to love is FAMILY. Having somewhere to go is HOME. Having both is a BLESSING.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


..........or scrub bucket!
Look at these guys! Are you not duly impressed? Well, I thought it fitting to incorporate the meeting of my need for help into their "husband training." How convenient for me. These men were not overly enthused about helping me clean, however, they were fairly gracious. Knowing that our baby is to be born in March, which will give our family 2 angels under the age of 1, I have no doubt that there will be NO time for spring cleaning. I thought it was an ingenious idea to enlist the assistance of my wonderful family. We are FALL CLEANING!! That means scrubbing everything, and I do mean everything. Floral arrangements and greenery were bathed and laid out to dry, walls were washed down, everything that hangs on the walls was cleaned, curtains were laundered, and windows were washed inside and out! Actually, the work is an ongoing project which will take several days but it feels good to see that we are indeed making headway.

Rob is using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on the storm door.

Rob also wants you to know that he does know how to use one of these contraptions. He uses this exact one every Saturday in his bedroom. Well, almost every Saturday.
And this is the big guy scrubbing down cabinetry. He was definitely more jolly about what he was doing than the younger men. Maybe he was doing it and happy about it t'boot because he loves me! Oh, goody!! I am sooooo blessed to have these wonderful guys in my life. They are my treasures!

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