Having someone to love is FAMILY. Having somewhere to go is HOME. Having both is a BLESSING.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Annie Oakley!

You're lookin' at the best shot in the west - western PA, that is!!
Below: Pausing to reload.

Oil Strike!

For those of you who do not know, Mark is a certified butcher and managed a cutting room several years ago. He has maintained his skill by cutting deer for himself and others. Again, when it became knowledge among our church family after moving here, Mark again began cutting for others in this location. He has been doing this by hand which obviously was more difficult with limitaions. Mark has wanted to obtain a band saw for a long time, but didn't feel that he could justify the cost.
Now you ask, "What does that have to do with an oil strike?" as I referred to in my post title. Well just before school began, Mark was contacted by the bus garage where he is employed as a public school bus driver, and asked if he would be willing to take some extra work. The Drake Well Museum in Titusville, was hosting an anniversary celebration weekend called "Oil 150" and was in need of shuttle bus drivers. *Titusville is where the oil industry began 150 years ago.* Mark agreed and was able to drive quite a few hours. That pay check arrived just in time for Mark to bid on this saw over e-bay. He won the bid and was able to pick up the saw within decent drive time. Yes! He got the saw at a great price. He is so thankful for this gift from a God who cares about our desires and he is looking forward to deer season for a new reason this year.
Making sure the saw is clean and ready for use.

Mark got to pass a trial run on his new saw (which also has a grinder attachment for making burger) when asked to butcher a hog for a church family member.
You can see the concentration on the man in action.
Guess I'll have to get him a white apron now!

What A Prize!

In the latest edition of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Journal, one of our church family, Michael Bickel, was featured, as pictured below with his prize winning 8 point buck. Look at the spread on that monster!!
22 1/2 inches!
Congratulations, Mike

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Daryl, You're living in a world that most times moves too fast, and growing up isn't always easy...
but you're doing just fine. Perhaps it's because you understand the need for caring about others, for being thoughtful and kind, for bringing happiness to yourself as well as to those around you.
The world is in need of more wonderful teens like you.....You're someone very special, blessed by God with many unique gifts -- you are loved more than words could ever say.
You're a treasure of exceeding value. You've always been the BEST big brother and you still are!
Our family would be so incomplete without you!