Finally we have more news worth sharing. We are sooooo ready to settle into normal life. In between going to campmeeting and getting Daryl to and from his missions trip as well as squeezing our neices wedding in there, we have been running here and running there for this adoption. Our home study is complete but there was soooooo much paper work to fill out and all of us had to have physicals done and more paper work filled out to prove that we were healthy enough to care for a toddler. Then Nevaeh had to have a physical (with paperwork) and another immunization. Updated clearances for Mark, Daryl and myself had to be run and water testing had to take place. Interiviews with the adoption counselor doing the homestudy took more of our precious time. Our regular caseworker continues her couple visits a month, the charge case manager visits each month, and now that we are considered pre-adoptive, we have to have the adoption counselor visit every month until an adoption is finalized. I have to tell ya', it feels like my home has turned into Grand Central Station. You surely know that the phone is also ringing off the hook most of the time. I've heard people saying that they can't believe where the summer is going and I feel like saying, "Summer? What's summer?" I have to say, "I'm exhausted!" July 20, Monday morning, another permanency hearing for Nevaeh took place. We did not have to be there as we were represented by our case workers. Samantha called me today to give me the scoop. There's good news and sort of bad news . Every time something good happens, the devil throws another boulder or pothole in our path. Apparently, he intends to fight this thing to the end. That being said, I need to beg you one more time to pray for our family and this need. I really am so tired that it's hard to even pray. I'd have to admit that I'm stuck somewhere between a wimper and a sigh. I have not lost faith in my God. I still believe that He is in complete control but I am feeling weary in well doing. I also know that there is a "Be not..." in front of that weary in well doing when I read it in my Bible.
"Dear God, please hold on to me because I'm so tired I can't hold on by myself."
And I know He will as He always does.